Wednesday 16 February 2011

Justification of Characterisation

As the context of my short film revolves around school, the two friend actors I have chosen to portray the characters in the short film are both school students.

(Jo - intellectual student)
Playing the role of the smarter student, I have decided to portray Jo's character as one who is typically boastful about herself; she enjoys bathing in her intelligence and showing off how smart she is to the others. Her gestures and tone of voice in the short film will accomodate to these characteristics which she holds. In order to show that she is the antagonist, Jo's character will be dressed in black; a dark colour conveying 'evilness' and 'power'. To also make obvious the fact that she is the intelligent student, she also wears glasses.

(Maia - inferior student)
To portray that of the simple-minded student, I have used my friend Maia. I find that she carries characteristics perfect for portraying a lesser intelligent person. For example, she is blonde, so is able to convey the 'blonde' stereotype (although she is in fact the opposite of such a person in real life). As her character is to be inferior compared to Jo, Maia will act as a weak, unconfident student. To show that she is the protagonist, unlike Jo, Maia will wear bright, light colours; where this acts in a way similar to a metaphor in that her lightness breaks through the darkness of Jo, and eventually leads to her achieving her goal.

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