Sunday 14 November 2010

Short Film Analysis: Alma

This short film was created by Rodrigo Blaas, who produced this film in his spare time whilst also working on other Pixar projects. Blaas has also helped with past films such as 'Finding Nemo' and 'Up'.

In short, Alma is about a young girl who, whilst walking down a quiet road in France on a snowy winter's day, spots a doll in a shop window who appears to be a look-a-like of herself. Intrigued by this, Alma enters the strange shop to discover a number of other dolls. She tries to reach for the one doll which caught her attention in the first place however ends up getting more than what she had bargained for...


From watching this short film, one can see that there are indeed a number of conventions similar to that which are commonly seen in a typical short film.

To start, it is evident that there is only one character throughout the entire film, Alma, whom the short story revolves around. This supports the notion that in a short film, there is normally only one protagonist. Furthermore, the employment of sound has been used very effectively in the sense that it is used not only as diegetic background music but also to show and convey the emotion and reactions of the little girl Alma. For example, when Alma sees the doll which reflects herself in the shop window, the music becomes a bit alarming and eerie to convey a sense of shock towards the audience. Furthermore, the use of camera techniques has a great impact in the short film as it helps reinforce feelings and tension in the animation through the use of close-ups, zooms, hand-held camera, point of view shots etc.

Another reason as to why music is so important is because at the beginning of the animation, it is the music which effectively is used to immediately indicate that the setting/ place is in France due to the sort of music which is played; a traditional French styled composure. Also, the film depends completely on music throughout since there is not a single line of dialogue therefore music, sound effects and visuals are heavily relied upon.

Keeping on the subject of the visuals, this has played a key role throughout the whole film as we learn a number of things through this means. For example, at the beginning of the short film "Alma", we learn of the protagonists name when the young girl writes her name on the window due to the absence of dialogue and any side characters to state it for us. The use of the brief focus on the small boy doll on the bike is also of great importance too as the doll repeatedly trying to get out of the shop but continuously bumping into the closed door symbolizes the idea that Alma is actually in danger and needs to get out of the shop herself. The composition of her when she is in the doll on the shelf surrounded by other dolls also conveys the idea that she is also stuck within this self-representing doll. Lastly, we learn at the end of the short film through visuals that there is in fact a twist to the whole story as another doll portraying a young child magically appears in the same place that Alma's doll appeared and we also see the wall in which Alma wrote her name. Here, as the camera zooms out, the audience realises that all the other names which can be seen actually belong to children who had followed the exact same steps as Alma and are trapped inside doll version of themselves as well.

"Alma" further shows that it sticks to the short film conventions as it is a 'short' film (lasting 5.30 minutes) and that it is an animation proves to show that it crosses the boundaries into animation rather than being a real-life performance.

To finish, the moral of this story simply plays and revolves around the proverb "curiosity killed the cat" meaning no good ever comes out from involving one's self in unnecessary things, as has been clearly portrayed by Alma. And this is another convention which has been adhered to in terms of what can be seen in short films as "Alma" focuses on the one plot/ idea; the proverb.


  1. Nice analysis, though the setting was in Spain.. That's why the girl's name is Alma, it means "Soul" in Spanish.

    1. It is Prague. The atmosphere, mood, architecture and the Prague Castle and St. Nicolas Church match.
      The music is off though, a mistake of the creators.
      The posters say: "Pozor! Naše děti se [?] ztrácejí. Nenechávejte je bez [...]. [...] epidemii [...] můžete pomoci našim [...] Nebezpečí!", which means "Warning! Our children are getting lost [...]. Do not leave them unattended. [...] epidemy [...] you may help our [...] Danger!"

    2. nice piece of info wish it showed who created the shop and how they knew who was coming next. glad that it wasn't made into a film because the result might be dissapointing.

  2. I believe it is set in Prague :) check out the language of the posters in the HD version.

    1. Yup, the Prague Castle and St. Nicolas Church match.
      The posters say: "Pozor! Naše děti se ________ ________ Nenechávejte je bez ______", which means "Warning! Our children are getting lost _________. Do not leave them unattended."
      Pretty much sums up the whole film.

  3. The true meaning of alma is "soul." To me the moral of the story is don't get trapped in the vicious monster's mouth (the facade of the store gives that clue) of materialism and needless wants. To quote Dave Mathhews, "What we want is what we've not got but what we need is all around us."

  4. i wish this was a movie

  5. how does the film show ethos pathos and logos. help. due moday

  6. shoutout to Mrs.Gidel's ILA class

  7. It's in the city of Barcelona--the building is of Gaudi style, you see the Sagrada Familia in the background and the music sounds French due to the proximity of Barcelona near the France border in Catalonia.

    1. It is Prague. The atmosphere, mood, architecture and the Prague Castle and St. Nicolas Church match.
      The music is off though, a mistake of the creators.
      The posters say: "Pozor! Naše děti se ________ ________ Nenechávejte je bez ______", which means "Warning! Our children are getting lost _________. Do not leave them unattended."
      Pretty much sums up the whole film.

    2. dont you think the posters are posters for the lost children.

  8. I respect the writter's views but don't agree that liking or collecting dolls or toys is something wrong or useless! it can bring a lot of Hapiness as long as the person enjoy other activities too!

  9. I respect the writter's views but don't agree that liking or collecting dolls or toys is something wrong or useless! it can bring a lot of Hapiness as long as the person enjoy other activities too!

  10. Curiosoty killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back

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    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. But I didn't understand the last part
    when the other doll show up
    why ?? but the person didn't come yet.

    1. this is story is based in a fantasy world. the "predator" or a mysterious spirit controlling the store has a power that can predict the future. that was y when alma wrote her name down and turned back, she could see the doll.

  13. I see, that this animation tells a story of life in this world, where things attract the eye of the soul, and makes one curious to see, to desire and to want to have what the eye sees.
    However, not being able to see what lies ahead and not seeing the complete and the total result of ones own specific choices at a certain time in life, eventually leading to ones future. This little girl, who has a striking name, meaning "soul", tells me, that there is a war that wages against the soul of man, a war that started at the beginning before everything came be, as it is known to mankind,. A war between Light and darkness. It is all about what a person chooses in life, Light or darkness, Life or death. Alma made a choice for death, eternal death, being stuck forever in a body, which has become empty and dead, because of her wrong decision. Alma chose a life of eternal darkness, where she can never come out off again. For once you´ve opened up a door, which was never intended for you to open up in the first place, it will certainly lead to death.
    You might also ask yourself, what was this little girl doing outside by herself? Where are her dad and mom? It looks like she should have been in school, or probably doing her homework, definately not in small street all alone.
    This is a striking tale on disobedience and the result of disobedience to me. A dark tale not intended for little children.

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