Tuesday 9 November 2010

Brief: Short Films

The brief which I am most likely considering to do is a short film, alongside the two ancillery tasks of a poster and a perhaps a film magazine review page featuring the short film. This is as short films all tend to deal with just one theme therefore are not complicated in the sense of side stories which linked to the main plot, although it does mean short films are more artistic in that they require more in depth thinking and everything from dialogue, mise-en-scene, composition etc. has some sort of relevance. Normally, the most common theme is love, which I am thinking of following too. I have chosen the ancillary tasks stated as this shows the importance of the role which advertising plays when promoting a product.

As of yet, I am still to come up with an idea of what my short film will be about however, I am strongly leaning towards the thought of including a twist at the end of the film.

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