Monday 7 February 2011

Location, Location, Location

(Standard Classroom)

(School Corridor)

(Copleston Road)

(Outside Copeston Sixth Form)

(Maths Corridor)

The locations I had in mind were the one's shown in the images above. The reason for this was because since the intended audience of my short film is teenagers, and the characters and narrative I am using revolve around school students, it would have seemed reasonable to use a school for the setting.

However, when it came to filming, due to weather, it was not possible to use the outside locations. Therefore, where I would have used my first chioce of Copleston Road and then outside of Sixth Form for scene one where we meet the two characters for the first time at the beginning of the short film, this instead had to be replaced for the school corridor. I would have liked to have used the maths corridor as my third option however this corridor was being used by students in their maths lessons.

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