Wednesday 23 February 2011

Ancillary Task: Poster Draft

In the leading up to the design and final production of my short film poster, I decided to draft out three potential poster design ideas. In doing so, I have attempted to try and adhere to the conventions of short film posters which I deduced from my short film poster research; for example, as can be seen in all three design ideas, there is minimal text as the text:image ratio is image heavy.

The image used for this first design idea is one which is featured in the footage of the actual film itself. I decided that this image could be quite powerful as a poster since it clearly states the genre of the film (more evident in the film itself) and both the protagonist and antagonist are featured in the same shot. Furthermore as to why I chose this particular image is due to the composition of the characters; the antagonist (on the left) is composed in such a way that she seems much more powerful and intimidating as opposed to the protagonist seen on the floor looking up to her 'competitor'. And this reflects the narrative of the short film as the antagonist is supposed to be seen as the underdog, performing the unexpected.
I quite like this design poster idea since it is a rather simple layout which does not consist of many colours and the genre of the film is evident; school. In addition, this image comes from a rather important point in the film since this is the place jsut before the two students begin their test. Again, the characters are composed and characterised in such a way that there is the antagonist on the left (representing a 'bad' character) and the antagonist on the right (reflecting 'goodness'); this idea is also demonstrated through the colours of the characters clothes too. From this, not much information is revealed about the short film and its narrative either, as with the other two poster designs, which again is a convention held within all short film posters.
This design idea, I feel, again is a good design for the short film poster. The conventions of a short film are clearly kept to as I have tried to imitate the structure of the short film poster "The Death of Salvador" which can be seen in my short film poster analysis; the characters are illustrated on a plain, solid background with nothing but the name of the film and the name of its director. I have also composed the characters in such a way so that the protagonist is at the front whereas the antagonist is in the backgroud, almost as if the represent lurking in the shadows in the sense of darkness - since she is a 'bad' character, only in the sense through her personality in that she is a boastful, smarmy person however.

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