Saturday 12 February 2011

Short Film Distribution

In terms of distribution and consumption of my short film, looking back at the questionnaire which I had posed to those who fit within the range of my target audience, it had been discovered that the internet was a very popular choice as a place which people shared and received information from. In today's society, it would be expected that the internet would have such a large amount of impact amongst people's lives, especially with young people since it is a fairly new form of media and young people have been growing up with it developing through their whole lives.

It is because of this that I have decided that my short film will be distributed on the internet through web 2.0 sites such as Youtube and Facebook, both of which are extremely popular with my target audience of 14-18 years olds. By distributing on my short film on such sites, it also means the viewers are able to comment on my short film, freely expressing and sharing their opinions. It is also an easy way for my short film to gain popularity and widen the viewers since a range of people would be able to view my film, not only my target audience. Furthermore, people will have the ability to embed the short film into their own social networking site, or even share the link, and by doing this, my short film will gain an even larger viewing audience, thus helping even more with its distribution and marketing.

As well as Youtube and Facebook, my short film can also be distributed on websites dedicated solely to short films. ( by the BBC is a good example as it hosts a range of short films of different genres, audiences and lengths. Daazo ( and Independent Lens( are also another two good places for short film distribution online.are also another two good places for short film distribution online.

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