Wednesday 19 January 2011

Brief: Short Film Ideas

From my analysis and research into already existing short films, many ideas have sprung to mind around what I make for my own short film production. "Alma" is the two short film which has influenced my decision for the plot/ theme in which my short film will revolve around as I have become quite attached to the idea of producing a piece which revolves around the theme of a proverb (whereby in "Alma" the concluding proverb was 'curiosity killed the cat'). Therefore, I decided upon searching around for other proverbs which I could create a short film for and managed to narrow down my choices to the following three:

- the love of money is the root of all evil
- when there's a will, there's a way
- what goes around comes around

I have chosen these particular proverbs as I believe many stories can be produced in relation to these sayings. Also, in my opinion, these three quotes are perhaps ones which have the most relevance in our lives today and can easily relate to everyone about something which they have probably done in their lives, thus deeming to be something which would be useful to produce to, especially in terms of audience as it means the task of trying to converge with the audience will be mitigated.

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