Wednesday 26 January 2011

Short Film Ideas: Round and Around

The proverb "what goes around comes around" reminds me of the term "karma" and so, that is the theme in which my short story is based around. The storylines goes as the following:

the most popular high school student is gifted with a once in a lifetime chance of gracing a scouting company with her first-class piano composition skills. However, she comes to a dead end as she runs out of ideas for a song which she could make to please the scouters from the company, which leaves not only a strong impression on them but is unique and different from what others may perform. Whilst sitting in the school music room by herself, she begins to panic as she has but a short time left to compose. Suddenly, her eyes come across an old folder filled with music scores from a couple of years ago. Believing these compositions have been long forgotten about, and considering the situation she is in, the young girl copies down the music onto her own blank sheet and starts to practice playing it.

The next day, she is called up to perform "her" composition. At first, all goes well but then, as soon as she starts playing the melody, one of the scouts stops her. Knowing she had taken credit and plagiarised some material from somewhere, the young student starts to feel nervous and begins fidgeting. Unfortunately, the next thing that happens is the scout who told her to stop walks up to her and asks her "did you compose this yourself?" Knowingly lying, the girl replies that she did it all herself but then the scout starts to tell a story about how the music sounded rather familiar. It appeared that the music the student had plagiarised actually belonged to this scouting person. And it also gets discovered that he used to be a student at the very same school as this young girl. Word breaks out about how this first-class music student cheated and from then on, wherever she goes, the other students call her a "cheat" and a "liar".

From this story, I feel not only is the message about karma conveyed, but also the message that one should not steal and take credit from other peoples work; it's simply not right. No good comes from cheating or lying.

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