Thursday 27 January 2011

Short Film Ideas: Final Decision

Looking at the three short story ideas I came up with, thinking about them more deeply, the overall decision I came to was that I would film the story related to the proverb "when there's a will, there's a way."

There were a number of contextual factors for this choice as firstly, with the first idea revolving around the £10 note, the range of props and cast needed would have been troublesome to have got hold of, besides also finding time when people were free to be filmed. However, I really liked this short film idea and to have been able to have filmed it would have been great as I feel a lot could have been done to it, and with the help of good editing, it could have turned out to be rather good.

As for the other story about the music composition based on the proverb "what goes around, comes around" I felt there was too much a demand on a good cast as I have only access to high school students and so to try and make them appear as though they could be middle-class business people would be pushing it, and would also remove the whole realistic vibe.

As for the story which I chose, this only really needs two people (the main characters) and the need for minor side characters such as those in the classroom would be no problem as I can easily use my circle of friends for that. The setting and location of the story is also easy to get hold of as it simply requires a school setting - which I have daily access to. Furthermore, I feel that this story can be made rather comical and not be entirely serious throughout the whole thing, so as to entertain the audience, as a short film should do. A variety of editing shots can be used along with this story too, as I have in mind the use of intergrating a split screen, overlays, voiceovers, and match-on action shots.

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