Saturday 19 March 2011

Hear Me Out

The final script after adjusting of scenes and lines is as follows:

Maia: I can't believe I got the lowest in my class again.
Jo: What is this? 13 percent?! My dog could do better than that. I don't even have a dog.
Maia: Give it back!
Jo: What would I want this rubbish for? It's not even worth looking at.

Jo: How completely and utterly rubbish. 13 percent!? But then I'd expect that from someone like you. How dumb.
Maia: I'm not dumb!
Jo: Hah! I'll believe that when I see it.
Maia: Fine! You got yourself a deal!
Jo: Whatever. You'll never score better than me in anything, no matter how hard you try. Why? Because I'm me. And I'm fabulous.

Maia: Oh god. What did I just say?! There's no way I'm ever gonna beat her.

Jo: Study harder my friend. You're gonna need it.
Maia: I can do this!
Jo: Hope you studied hard. Let's see how we do.

Amy: Good morning class. I have your results from the test. Some of you have done very well.
Fran: Some of you have not done very well.
Amy: I can see that some effort has been put in.
Fran: And some hasn't. Clearly.
Amy: So, when I call your name I would like you to come to the front, collect your paper, and then sit down. Okay, first name.

Amy: Joanna Dolan.
Amy: Very well done. Congratulations.

Fran: Maia Rogers.
Fran: Well done, very much.
Maia: Thank you.

Amy: Very well done to most of you.
Fran: Some of you not so much.
Amy: Resit forms can be found on my desk if you wish to resit.
Fran: And that will be most of you.
Amy: The forms must be handed in by next Friday. Thank you very much. It's been a pleasure teaching you.
Fran: Some not so much.
Amy: Goodbye.
Fran: Bye.

Jo: So what did you get?
Maia: I don't know. Tell me what you got first.
Jo: 86! Try beating that!

Jo: WHAT?!

Maia: Yes!!!

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