Tuesday 8 March 2011

10 Year Reunion

As mentioned earlier, the guest appearances were in fact main characters in my AS coursework. Since the evaluation questions include the work produced and techniques learnt during the AS year, I have to decided to post my AS coursework to help show my improvement in the creation of media texts as I believe that there is a clear difference between this piece of work, and the A2 work in which I am currently working on and editing.

From watching this video, it can clearly be seen that my filming and editing skills from last year were not that great; the editing was very jumpy, there were sound glitches every now and then, the lighting on some scenes were so dark that the faces of the actors or the surrounding could not be seen properly. In all honesty, part of this was also due to the camera and technology faults - it was not known until after the whole recording process that the camera which I was using had to be recording for at least 5 second beforehand until it would capture what I wanted, otherwise it would cut off the beginning of the scene. Furthermore, when uploading the footage, there were problems whereby the camera tape in the camera crashed and footage would be messed up, and when playbacked on the computer, the footage either did not work at all or it was covered in lines. This meant some parts had to be recorded again and thus rushed in order to meet the deadline.

Furthermore, from watching this footage again a year later, I have realised that the narrative within this film is not as clear as expected. In actuality, the film revolves around a single student who is bullied by a trio of friends, and this continuous bullying eventually drives this poor girl to her death. However, there is a twist in the sense that at the end, it is discovered that all that was seen was in fact the dream of the main bully. Since it is supposed to be only the opening of the film, the audience watching does not find out that what they also see right at the beginning of the footage before the establishing shot of the school is an event which occurs near the end of the film.

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