Wednesday 2 March 2011

Short Story Cameo Appearances

In regards to the adapted results scene of my short film, I mentioned that there was the introduction of new characters. The roles of these characters were to be the teachers who handed the results back to the competitive students. The actors which I used were my friends Amy and Fran, who were in fact featured in my AS level coursework, whereby Amy was one of the main characters (a bully) and Fran was featured as one of underlings.

Since these two individuals have a rather humourous personality anyway, I decided using them as the roles of the teachers would be a good idea to boost the comical aspect of my short film; which I feel they have achieved pretty well. The fact that I had actually also asked them to ad-lib their lines during recording (since my decision to include them in the scene came to mind at the spur of the moment) also helped with this comical factor since the lines which they came up were rather sarcastic and humourous - the way in which they spoke as teachers reflected exactly that in which an actual school teacher is not supposed to act.

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